Active Black Belt Instructors
Master John Seay - 7th Dan

Master John Seay is a 7th Dan black belt who has studied and taught Tae Kwon Do for more than 35 years. He is also a certified Level 1 Mike Swain Judo Instructor & certified by American Top Team as Level 1 MMA instructor. Master Seay is a native of Texas. He first became interested in martial arts as an activity he could do with his children. His deep love of teaching led to him opening his own school in 1996. He is also a personal trainer and has a background in both nursing and music.

Master Leon McCowan - 6th Dan
Leon was introduced to martial arts as a kid. He has been a practitioner, off and on, for a number of years. In addition to his black belt in American Tae Kwon Do, he has also studied judo and WTF Tae Kwon Do. Leon is the RCRA Waste Manager for the Texas Military Department and Executive Pastor at St. James Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. McCowan earned his 1st degree in 2008, his 2nd degree in 2010, his 3rd degree in 2013, 4th degree in 2017, 5th degree in May 2019 and 6th degree in April 2023. He enjoys serving on the TCMA Inc. Board of Directors and is a AFAA Group Fitness Instructor.
Jami Hatch - 5th Dan
Jami earned her first-degree black belt in 2003 and also trained in Tai Chi. Both of her children earned their black belts at TCMA. She has been at Third Coast since 1997. Jami is the TCMA Business Manager and Director of Operations. In addition to teaching regular classes, she also teaches classes at St Andrews, Doss & The Jewish Community Center. Jami earned her 2nd degree in April 2015 & her 3rd degree May 2019 and 5th Dan in 2024.
Susan Kidwell - 4th Dan
Dr. Kidwell joined Third Coast in March 2008. She is a partner at Locke Lord LLP, where she is specializes in civil appellate law. Susan earned her Black Belt in October 2013 & her 2nd degree in May 2017 & her 3rd dan in October 2020.
Charlie Tusa - 4th Dan
Charlie started in the after school program at St. Andrews in 1st grade. He came over to Third Coast in June 2007. Charlie received his 1st degree black belt in March 2011 and his 2nd Degree in 2016. Charlie graduated with a Masters degree from UT Austin in aerospace engineering and works at Siemens doing computational engineering.
Owen Williams - 4th Dan
Owen started at Third Coast as a Lil' Dragon when he was 5 years old. . He also loves playing the drums. His favorite subjects are math and science and hopes to one day become a biologist. He attends Anderson HS and earned his Black Belt in June 2018 & 2nd dan in October 2020. Owen was Third Coast student of the year in 2016.
Tom Weymouth - 1st Dan
Mr. Weymouth started at Third Coast in 2015 with his 2 daughters. He teaches on Mondays at Third Coast and teaches a class at Brykerwoods elementary school. Mr. Weymouth is currently studying social work at Texas State University and volunteers at the Trinity center on 7th street.
Logan Fuller - 1st Dan
Logan started classes at Third Coast in April 2018. He attends Anderson HS. He has been Third Coast student of the month twice and Third Coast 2023 student of the year.
Dakota Spellman - 1st Dan
Dakota started in the Hill after school program. In 2013, he joined Third Coast. Dakota attends Anderson High School and was the Third Coast Student of the Year in 2019. Dakota helps with Third Coast summers camps and volunteers with Peace, Love, and Happiness Charity. He is a musician who sings, plays guitar, and writes music. Dakota earned his 1st black belt in April 2023.
Third Coast Black Belts Abroad:
Sophie Newmark - 1st Dan
Sophie joined Third Coast in 2014 and earned her black belt in October 2020. She graduated from LASA High School in 2021. She also plays the cello, loves reading and writing and is passionate about environmental sustainability. Sophie attends Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Environmental Studies. Sophie was Third Coast student of the year in 2016.
Robert Seiler - 2nd Dan
Robert joined Third Coast in 2010. He earned his Black Belt in May 2017 & his 2nd dan in October 2020. He graduated from Anderson HS 2021 and enjoys tennis and piano. Robert earned his Eagle Scout in May 2019. He is attending Univ of Texas to study Economics.
Seth O'Hora - 2nd Dan
Seth started in our after school program at Hill elementary. He earned his black belt in November 2021. He is currently studying Aerospace engineering at Penn State. Seth was named Third Coast student of the year for 2021.
Jordan Hatch-Newberry - 2nd Dan
Jordan started at TCMA when she was 6 years old and earned her black belt in 2003 at the age of 11. She graduated from Texas Christian University and works at General Motors as a Project Manager. Jordan also trained in Kung Fu and is the recording secretary to the board of TCMAF, Inc. She earned her 2nd degree in June 2018.
Third Coast Black Belt Alumni:
Kendall Seay - 1st Degree 2000
Anthony Marchioni - 1st Degree 2000
Casey Frank - 1st Degree 2002
Patrick Germain - 3rd Degree 2003
Zach Lefenfeld - 1st Degree 2003
Blaise Cole - 3rd Degree 2003
Cameron Hatch - 1st Degree 2005
Lisa Kelly - 1st Degree 2005
Maureen Farelli - 1st Degree 2005
Sara Phelps - 2nd Degree 2005
Paul Barnes - 2nd Degree 2006
Leo Levy - 1st Degree 2006
Peter Malof - 1st Degree 2007
Michael Portillo - 1st Degree 2007
Alex Valdez - 1st Degree 2007
Nick Virden - 2nd Degree 2007
Andrea Adams - 1st Degree 2007
Ryan Ramirez - 1st Degree 2007
Mark Huff - 2nd Degree 2007
Tori Dusse' - 2nd Degree 2007
Susan Seay - 1st Degree 2008
Logan Seay - 2nd Degree 2008
Scott Smith - 1st Degree 2008
David Seay - 1st Degree 2008
Tim Graumann - 1st Degree 2008
Beth Van Pelt - 1st Degree 2009
Karen Bogart - 1st Degree 2009
Cameron Adams - 2nd Degree 2010
Mike Wilson - 2nd Degree 2010
Laura Meitz - 1st Degree 2010
Nathaniel Van Pelt - 1st Degree 2010
Bob Nunis - 2nd Degree 2011
Jimmy Deal - 1st Degree 2011
Josh Swan - 1st Degree 2012
Mariah Hamamcy - 1st Degree 2012
Alex Gretta - 1st Degree 2012
Luke Gretta - 1st Degree 2012
Lizzie Deal - 1st Degree 2012
George Kruft - 1st Degree 2013
Richard Culleton - 1st Degree 2013
Rick Culleton - 1st Degree 2013
Guillermo Gonzalez - 1st Degree 2015
Ethan Swan - 2nd Degree 2016
Mercedes Gonzalez - 1st Degree (50th Black Belt 2017)
Ben Cassar - 1st Degree 2017
Zoey Meyer - 1st Degree 2018
Louie Dunning - 1st Degree 2018
Chloe Meyer - 2nd Degree 2019
Kiana Saghafi - 1st Degree 2020
Hannah English - 2nd Degree 2020
Cerys Freer - 1st Degree 2020
Max Lund - 2nd Degree 2020
Anwen Salisbury - 1st Degree 2023
Duke Harper - 1st Degree 2023
Forever in our hearts, Grand Master Stewart September 14, 1956 - September 9, 2019
Since the year 2000, Master Seay has 66 students who earned their Black Belts through Third Coast Martial Arts

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