Through the Ranks
All belts must be earned. Students begin with no belt but can advance through the belt ranks by completing the testing requirements for each belt as outlined in the curriculum book.

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No Belt
This represents the beginning of the Martial Arts Journey.White Belt
White signifies innocence, as that of a beginning student who has no previous knowledge of Tae Kwon Do.Orange Belt
The color orange signifies the changes of Autumn, as the student's mind and body begin to develop and grow as a result of the new Tae Kwon Do experience.Gold Belt
Gold signifies Earth, from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the Tae Kwon Do foundation is being laid.Green Belt
Green signifies the plant's growth as the Tae Kwon Do skills begins to develop.Purple Belt
Purple signifies the flowering of the plant, as the student's progress begins to become quite apparent.Blue Belt
Blue signifies the heavens, towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training becomes stabilized.Red Belt
Red signifies danger, cautioning both the student to exercise control and the opponent to stay away.Brown Belt
Brown signifies a return to the Earth, as the student comes full circle, beginning to incorporating all aspects of Tae Kwon Do and teaching others.Black Belt
Congratulations! This represents the end of an old journey and signifies the beginning of a new Martial Arts Journey. Training doesn't stop after achieving the rank of first-degree black belt. Many students work their way up to a second-degree black belt, third-degree black belt, and so on. There is still much to learn mentally and physically.

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